Thursday, February 7, 2008

Painting fun!

Kailyn and Dylan and I went to visit a friend from work the other night. There, they played with all kinds of fun stuff- among these things was a paint easel complete with MANY colors! Kailyn went to town painting everything she saw- the newly finished walls, the floor, her pajamas, etc... so last night Aunt Pat tells me a funny story: she was painting the ceiling in her bedroom while my sweet, innocent daughter was playing nicely with her favorite cousin Leenie (Paige). Little did she know that sweet innocent child was dipping the stirring stick in the paint and painting Aunt Pat's bedspread, walls, floor and herself!! (BTW- Paige was not involved at all!) Once she caught her, she said she was so shocked that Kailyn had done that she couldn't do anything but cry :(
So, this morning I told Bobby about it, and he asked our sweet, innocent daughter about it, and she said "daddy, mommy can keen it up for ann paaaat, DUH"... Now everyone is laughing again!


Shirley said...

Perfect name for your blog!
I am going to love reading the antics of my grandkids.
God truly blesses us daily with our Aunt Pat!

Jami said...

I wish I had an Aunt Pat :-( Or a friend who came to visit :-(

Jeanette said...

Painting is fun, Kailyn was just practicing her trim painting like her grandma. Guess you better wonder whats going on if she gets quiet